Friday, July 1, 2011

Training Day 22

Cuyamaca Mountain- February 6, 2011

We decided to get an early start to take advantage of the beautiful light at sunrise for photographs.  This is a fairly short hike up a paved road all the way up to the top.   The hike was fairly steep especially the last half with 1700' of elevation gain in 2.75 miles.  Overall the hike was 5.6 miles and took us about 2 hours to complete.  The views during the hike were absolutely amazing and we were fairly protected from the wind until you got to the peak.  Cuyamaca Peak is the tallest point in San Diego County with an altitude of 6512'.  

Scott at the beginning of the hike with the beautiful sunrise.

The start.
Autumn colors in the middle of winter.
A view up the road.  You can see the peak through the trees.
In 2003 San Diego County had one of the worst wildfires in recent history wiping out a large majority of the vegetation and forests in the area.  Most of Cuyamaca mountain is still recovering 8 years later.  From this view you can see the Cuyamaca reservoir in the distance.
At the top and a bit windy but breathtaking 360 degree views.

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