Thursday, March 3, 2011

Training Day 8

Palomar Mountain- January 23, 2011

The hike at Palomar Mountain State Park was by far less scenic during the hike but much more secluded than Cowles Mountain.  Palomar is about an hour and a half outside San Diego at around 5,500'.  The day was absolutely beautiful but got rather cold once we got up to the mountain.  I have to say that the drive up is something Scott will be doing again in his Porsche.  The road leading up the mountain is all switchbacks so needless to say I'm glad I don't get car sick.  I'm sure Scott had more fun on the drive than he did the hike.

Scott with Petra.  The Switchbacks await!!
The first half of the hike was mostly downhill on very poorly marked trails.  The trail follows a creek east into a beautiful open meadow.  We stopped there for a snack and to snap some pictures.  The rest of the hike was uphill through fire ravaged forests.  This part had better marked trails than the first half.  I could feel myself having to work a bit harder due to the increased altitude.  Overall this was a decent hike with varied terrain.  Some of the terrain actually looked more like the east coast than southern California.  The elevation gain is about 1,000' and total distance of 5 miles.
Scott enjoying his chocolate granola bar, YUMMM!!

Doane Pond foot bridge

Tree at Doane Pond

Vista View looking South


  1. Gorgeous views, guys! Nice work on the hikes. Scoot, you got a porsche! Nicey buddy! Love the last Vista View pic, Darci.

  2. Thanks Brandon! Yeah Scott bought it back in 2009 when he was in Maryland for a couple months. I have to admit it's a fun little car to drive. Great for around here on those beautiful sunny days with the top down.
